Here's what people have said about their experience in the program:
"My experience with the Three Principles has dramatically changed my life. I can see that there has been a huge shift in my sanity and sobriety-waking up each morning is a joy! Daily decisions are made with confidence, this was not the case 7 months ago. I struggled with mental illness, addiction and very low self esteem. I'm not saying I'm 'cured' but I'm saying I have a new perspective, a new appreciation for the life that's been given to me. I've woken up to a wisdom, a well-being that is my 'birthright' that was made clear to me by a gentleman known as Syd Banks, introduced to me via Jonathan and Josh. :)" -SL
"I have realized that I have been stuck in a way of thinking for a very long time and that has been limiting me. Just recently I feel like I have gained the ability to start thinking outside of that box which is already helping me progress in my life and do more positive things. I think I have been waiting for a change to come in my life for a long time but I had never taken action myself to change things and now that I know I've been holding myself back for so long I feel more freedom to change." -BW
"I have given another clean UA. I find myself just being so happy at times now when that had not happened too often in my life before." -SP
"My wife and family have commented that I am a lot more patient and tolerant and that I am noticably more laid back. I've tried to work Mind, Consciousness and Thought everyday in my life, I'm starting to get it, at least I am a better listener! I havent't had the wow factor yet but I am still learning, getting my license back, I feel pretty good most of the time and I am generally pretty happy and satisfied most of the time. I don't care for people or being around a lot of people but lately I am so tolerant and at times I am genuinely interested in what friends are saying and how they are feeling. Before I started Six Dimensions I really didn't give a shit about other people or their problems. I have basically done a 180 and I am sincere! I really don't know how to expain but I love my meetings. I struggle getting here sometimes but once I'm here I know I'm ok." -DB
"I am so happy I got my choice back. I had a couple of occasions to use recently and I thought I was going to. I made the choice not to when it came time and it was a 'no brainer' when it happened to be the time to choose."-RT
"For the frist time in my life I'm not actively thinking or trying not to drink. My overall improvement in mental health and insight from group meetings is behind this incredible experience. One insight from last week is that I can just feel what I'm feeling-be still- and don't try to change or analyze that feeling-even if it's not a good or comfortable went away and eventually turned into a good feeling. This is amazing to understand and instead of reaching for a drink or stopping at a bar-I had an awesome rest of the day." -AH
"What I got out of class was the Three Principles and I learned a lot because learning about the Three Principles is learning about myself. Now that I'm clean I can think more clearly, make better choices in my life and just being able to speak in group and learn from others helps me stay motivated in my recovery."-RM